Beans, beans the musical fruit
The more you eat,
the more you toot
The more you toot,
the better you feel
So eat beans for every meal
Most everyone should know this silly little tune and most everyone probably finds the subject of flatulence humorous, even if you do not laugh out loud. Growing up, this topic usually came up during dinner and resulted in tear filled laughter.
Up until recently, I have hardly paid attention nor have I eaten legumes of any sort. However, my thoughts began to change on January 12, 2011, when I watched Stephanie O'Dea do a crock pot cooking demonstration on Good Morning America: Stephanie made Chicken Enchilada Chili that included beans.
Immediately, I set out to make the recipe. Surprisingly, I had everything on hand to prepare this dish except for the beans, or so I thought. Then I remembered that I received a gourmet gift box for Christmas from the Women's Bean Project.