Monday, July 11, 2011

Whey To Go!

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a Tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away

There are several people in my life that would welcome a visit from a spider any day instead of eating whey. Years ago, I too would have agreed because at that time I had no understanding of what whey was.

My first introduction to whey protein was in 2004 when I learned about Ann Louise Gitttleman and The Fat Flush Plan from a work colleague. We were at an Electronic Design Automation trade show and he explained to me that his wife had be following this program with immediate success. Upon my return home, I not only purchased the book for myself but also for my girlfriend Daryl. We read the book, jumped on the Gittleman bandwagon and followed The Fat Flush Plan

One of the suggested recipes included in the book was a fruit smoothie made with protein powder. Daryl suggested using whey powder because during this time, her mother was battling breast cancer. Daryl had been researching foods to help her mother and she found that whey protein had many attributes that she would benefit from; "Whey protein is an excellent protein choice for cancer patients as it is very easy to digest and very gentle to the system. Whey protein may be added to a wide variety of foods and beverages to increase the protein content without affecting taste."