Life is much easier if one has the correct tools to complete the job successfully. A surgeon needs a scalpel, a dentist needs a drill, a jeweler needs an anvil, a hairstylist needs a scissors, a painter needs a brush and Tim needs tools for Home Improvement. What about the dieter?
One of my friends lost 15 pounds recently after many unsuccessful attempts over the years. She claims that one of the reasons for her success was the food log she faithfully kept; her trainer recommended that she record everything that she ate and drank daily. Over time, this became not only a habit for her, but also an awareness; an awareness of portion size and calories.
Tracking your food intake is part of many formal diet programs. Two that I have followed during the course of my life, The Diet Center and Weight Watchers both suggested recording what you eat. Once even, I went to a nutritionist; she too requested that I keep a food diary. Of course during the beginning of any program when the excitement and motivation of losing weight was a buzz, recording was a motivator. When the excitement wore off and weight loss was slow, the tracking element fizzled away and so did the diet plan; hence, weight loss goals were never achieved.