Life is much easier if one has the correct tools to complete the job successfully. A surgeon needs a scalpel, a dentist needs a drill, a jeweler needs an anvil, a hairstylist needs a scissors, a painter needs a brush and Tim needs tools for Home Improvement. What about the dieter?
One of my friends lost 15 pounds recently after many unsuccessful attempts over the years. She claims that one of the reasons for her success was the food log she faithfully kept; her trainer recommended that she record everything that she ate and drank daily. Over time, this became not only a habit for her, but also an awareness; an awareness of portion size and calories.
Tracking your food intake is part of many formal diet programs. Two that I have followed during the course of my life, The Diet Center and Weight Watchers both suggested recording what you eat. Once even, I went to a nutritionist; she too requested that I keep a food diary. Of course during the beginning of any program when the excitement and motivation of losing weight was a buzz, recording was a motivator. When the excitement wore off and weight loss was slow, the tracking element fizzled away and so did the diet plan; hence, weight loss goals were never achieved.
I decided to follow my friends "tracks" and started a food diary. Fortunately, this time it was much easier, thanks to receiving a new electronic gadget from Bob - an iPad. Immediately, I searched for a good tracking tool. I chose

I like LoseIT! because you can invite friends to join you so that you can virtually have a "diet club." You can see each others success (or defeat) in weight loss and calories. Also, this program provides nice graphical interfaces - daily summary, daily food log and weight loss goals. Many foods including brand names are available in the calorie counter. There is also an option to add your own foods which I have utilized a great deal and find it to be very beneficial in the long run. Every week, a summary is sent direct to your email providing the results from the previous week. This report includes a summary of your calorie intake, exercise and nutrient intake and your weight loss/gain.
The bottom line, recording is essential for successful weight loss; tracking is now a part of my daily routine. It not only keeps me honest but also teaches portion control and calorie counting, which when not tracking is something that can easily be over looked and over estimated. Boy, what a reality check this was for me! Since I started tracking in January, I have lost 12 pounds.
My most recent acquisition to help with my weight loss program is the Withings WiFi Body Scale. It is an ideal tool to help monitor weight, and lean and fat mass. The WiFI connection automatically sends this information direct to your personal Withings web page and directly to the LoseIt! application if you set it up. There are also free applications available for the iPhone and the iPad so that you can keep track anytime and anywhere. There is a great graphical interface so that you can easily see your results. This is real time feedback that provides positive reinforcement as those pounds are shed.
My most recent acquisition to help with my weight loss program is the Withings WiFi Body Scale. It is an ideal tool to help monitor weight, and lean and fat mass. The WiFI connection automatically sends this information direct to your personal Withings web page and directly to the LoseIt! application if you set it up. There are also free applications available for the iPhone and the iPad so that you can keep track anytime and anywhere. There is a great graphical interface so that you can easily see your results. This is real time feedback that provides positive reinforcement as those pounds are shed.

Another wonderful tool that has been very useful is the Salter Digital Nutritional Kitchen Scale. This was also a gift but from Christmas past. It was something that I really wanted but after I received it, never used. Now this scale has become a trusted companion. It is a quick and easy way to determine useful information - weight, calories, cholesteral, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber and sodium. Just place the food or beverage on the scale, type in the name and voila, all the information is right at your finger tips.
Posted on WebMD is a very simple tool; it is a presentation Best Diet Tips Ever 22 Ways to Stay on Track. Included are quick and easy tricks that don't cost very much unless you opt for "tip number 21: Celebrating success without food" and purchase a pair of Louboutins. Keeping a food diary is also found in tip number 20. Mentioned in this tip is a comment from Victor Stevens, senior investigator at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon; "those who kept food records six days a week -- jotting down everything they ate and drank on those days -- lost about twice as much weight as those who kept food records one day a week or less." This came from a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and also is included in the article on this subject by Miranda Hitti Keeping Food Diary Helps Lose Weight and in the article Can a Food Diary Help You Loses Weight by Elaine Magee, MPH, RD.
As many of us know losing weight is not an easy task especially as we age. I think that it is important to be aware not only about what you are putting in your mouth but also, watching portion size and understanding calories for such portions; keeping a food diary and tracking is essential for success. I also believe that it is important for the dieter to have the correct tools to be successful. With the correct tools, this process can be easier, more fun and more successful; utilizing todays electronic gadgets definitely helps to provide positive reinforcement during your weight loss journey. Find the tools that are right for you and your regime; just like Tim.
Good Luck!
Wow, these are some fun (& fancy) weight loss tools! You must have a really nice husband who buys you these great gifts! I will be putting them on my "wish list"! LOVE YOUR BLOG! I read it every time I get the computer from my kids! Very inspiring! Keep up the GREAT work! Kate